Men are from Video Games...
Women are from Social Networks. This is a title of a reading from my Eng. 326 class. In the article, it is explained that women have been using social media sites much more than men do. For people under 30, its almost equal in the amount of males and amount of females that have joined sites like FaceBook and MySpace, but the young women tend to use it much more. One explanation of this is that young men tend to be playing video games such as WoW or 1st person shooters. I agree. Now looking at people over 30, it seems women outnumber men many times over. Married men are not joining these sites. I remember when my dad finally joined Facebook. It wasn't so he could reconnect at first. My grandfather had asked him to so that he could play my dad's farm in the game Farmville. So my dad was kind enough to oblige. Now my dad uses it and my grandpa has had to go on to use his other son's facebook page and even his wife's to play multiple farms in Farmville. Sad, I know, but that's a different story (hey, he's retired, and plus the game's not that bad).
Moving on. I find that my girlfriend is often on Facebook and I'm often playing video games or watching movies/tv on my computer. So we're living examples of this. I play a lot more video games than she does, though she tends to do Bejeweled a lot of Facebook.
Yea, that article was definitely right.
I like this article, but also fear it feeds into the gendered ideas about tech. I, for example, am a hard-core Facebooker but also game on occasion. I guess I just hope that we keep asking questions about "gender norms" online.
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